Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Praktikum: Executive Search-Beratung mit Spezialisierung Mittel- und Osteuropa, Berlin

PRAKTIKUM in einer Executive Search-Beratung mit Spezialisierung Mittel- und Osteuropa am Standort Berlin

Unser Unternehmen:
Dr. Berndt & Partner GmbH -- Executive Search Eastern Europe ist eine auf Osteuropaspezialisierte internationale Personalberatung mit Sitz in Berlin. Seit 1990 besetzen wir Führungspositionen der ersten und
zweiten Ebene in der gesamten Region Eastern Europe (verstanden von Tschechien bis Russland/ Zentralasien und vom Baltikum bis nach Bulgarien). Zu unseren Kunden zählen namhafte deutsche Unternehmenmit Produktions- bzw. Vertriebsniederlassungen in der genannten Region.

Ab August bzw. ab September suchen wir neue Praktikanten, die unser Team mit viel Engagement und Ehrgeiz unterstützen und dabei Interesse haben, in alle Aspekte einer internationalen Personalberatung 'hineinzuschnuppern'.

Deine Aufgaben:
-Unterstützung in allgemeinen Aufgaben des operativen Tagesgeschäfts im Unternehmen
-Durchführung von Internet- und Adressrecherchen
-Pflege und Aktualisierung von Kundenkontakten und der internen Datenbank
-Mitarbeit und Durchführung von Markt- und Kandidatenrecherchen

Dein Profil:
-Student/in an einer Universität oder Fachhochschule in Berlin
-verhandlungssicheres Deutsch und Englisch sowie sehr gute Kenntnisse in zwei der folgenden osteuropäischen Sprachen: Polnisch, Tschechisch/Slowakisch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch
-Kenntnisse wirtschaftlicher Zusammenhänge, Interesse an aktuellem wirtschaftlichen und politischen Geschehen in Osteuropa
-hohe Affinität zu neuen Medien und Beherrschung von Recherchetechniken
-Kommunikationsstärke, Teamfähigkeit, Selbständigkeit, Flexibilität

Das Praktikum wird vergütet. Nach dem Praktikum besteht die Möglichkeit als studentische Mitarbeiter/in bei uns weiter zu arbeiten.

Interessenten werden gebeten, einen aussagekräftigen Lebenslauf sowie ein Bewerbungsschreiben an Iveta Obrcian zu senden (i.obrcian@drberndt.de).

Wir freuen uns auf Deine Bewerbung!

> Dr. Berndt & Partner GmbH
> Executive Search Eastern Europe
> Rhinstraße 137 A, 10315 Berlin
> Telefon: +49 (0)30 54 99 53 11
> Mobil: +49 (0) 171 817 4990
> Telefax: +49 (0)30 54 99 53 13
> eMail:i.obrcian@drberndt.de
> Website: http://www.drberndt.de

Job: Interviews mit Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbaenden in Bulgarien

Fuer ein Forschungsprojekt zur Europaeisierung von Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbaenden in den Laendern der EU-Osterweiterung suchen wir einen Projektpartner, der im Zeitraum von Oktober bis Dezember 2012 Interviews mit Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbaenden in Bulgarien fuehrt.

Im Rahmen des von der Hans-Böckler-Stiftung gefoerderten Forschungsprojekts zEuropaeisierung der Gewerkschaften aus den Staaten der Osterweiterungoe, das an der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa an der Uni Bremen koordiniert wird, geht es konkret um folgende Taetigkeiten:

+ Durchfuehrung von mindestens 20 Interviews (darunter mindestens 14 Gewerkschaftsvertreter und 6 Arbeitgebervertreter, Fragebogen 
+ Leitfaden im Umfang von je ca. einer Stunde) basierend auf einheitlichen Vorgaben;
+ Transkription und Uebersetzung der Leitfaden-Interviews;
+ Erstellung einer Fallstudie zur Europaeisierung einer in Absprache mit dem Auftraggeber ausgewaehlten Gewerkschaft, basierend auf mindestens 10 Interviews mit Gewerkschaftsvertretern und Experten, Informationsmaterial der Gewerkschaft sowie relevanter Medienberichterstattung entsprechend der Vorgaben des Projektes.

Hierfuer kann im Rahmen eines Werkvertrages ein Honorar von insgesamt 8.000 Euro angeboten werden. Eine separate Kostenerstattung (etwa fuer Reisekosten) ist leider nicht moeglich. Es besteht die Moeglichkeit der Beteiligung an der Auswertung und der Erstellung eigener Analysen. Das Angebot ist deshalb besonders gedacht fuer Wissenschaftler, die bereits zum Thema arbeiten, etwa im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes oder einer Promotion.

+ hervorragende Bulgarischkenntnisse (am Besten Muttersprache);
+ Interesse an wissenschaftlicher Arbeit (auch im Rahmen eines fortgeschrittenen Studiums) und Erfahrung mit der Durchfuehrung von Interviews;
+ Grundkenntnisse der wissenschaftlichen Literatur zur Europaeisierung bzw. der Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeberverbaende in Bulgarien.

Interessierte melden sich bitte bis zum 5. August 2012 mit Motivationsschreiben und Lebenslauf per Email beim Projektleiter: Heiko Pleines, pleines@uni-bremen.de

Call for Applications | Associate-Programm der stiftung neue verantwortung

Die stiftung neue verantwortung in Berlin macht auf die Ausschreibung von folgenden sektorübergreifenden Forschungsprojekten aufmerksam:

| EU Economic Foresight - Trends und Einflussfaktoren europäischer Wettbewerbsfähigkeit
| Deutsche Europapolitik 2013+ Führung und Verantwortung in der Europäischen Union

Der Zeitraum der Projektdurchführung ist von November 2012 bis August 2013. Für die Bearbeitung der Forschungsprojekte werden gegenwärtig praxisbezogene Forschungsgruppen aus jungen Experten zusammengestellt, die sich als “Associates” in einem interdisziplinären und sektorübergreifenden Arbeitsprozess mit den Projektthemen auseinandersetzen.

Das Associate-Programm der stiftung neue verantwortung ist ein exklusives, 10-monatiges Forschungs- und Leadership-Programm. Es richtet sich an junge Führungskräfte (in der Regel bis 37) aus Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik/Verwaltung und Gesellschaft. Für das Associate-Programm 2012-2013 suchen wir Querdenker und Vordenker, Pioniere und Praktiker, die eine hohe Themenexpertise, kommunikative Kompetenz und Teamfähigkeiten besitzen, um jenseits konventioneller Denk- und Argumentationsmuster die zentralen Fragen des Projekts zu bearbeiten und die Zukunftsdebatte in Deutschland zu bereichern – von der Problemanalyse über Definition konkreter Handlungsoptionen bis hin zu Konzeption öffentlichkeitswirksamer Veranstaltungen und Publikationen.

Als Mitglied der Forschungsgruppe erhalten alle Associates die professionelle Unterstützung eines modernen Think Tanks durch ein attraktives Portfolio an Ressourcen, Services und ausgewählten Leadership Trainings. Das Associateship kann nebenberuflich wahrgenommen werden.

Der Zeitaufwand für Präsenztermine in Berlin beläuft sich auf insgesamt 5 Sitzungen à ca. 2 Tagen sowie eine eintägige Abschlussveranstaltung. Zwischen den Sitzungen arbeiten die Forschungsteams mittels einer projekteigenen Online-Plattform und Telefonkonferenzen. Der durchschnittliche wöchentliche Zeitaufwand beträgt erfahrungsgemäß maximal 3-5 Stunden. Zudem bieten wir den Associates fakultativ exklusive und kostenlose Leadership-Trainingsprogramme. Ein personalisiertes Curriculum kann individuell zusammengestellt werden.

Kennzeichnend für die Arbeitsweise des Associate-Programms ist eine enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaft, Wirtschaft, Politik/Verwaltung und Gesellschaft. Das Associate-Programm ist in seiner Form in Deutschland einzigartig und sucht nach einzigartigen Bewerbern.

Bewerbungsschluss ist Sonntag, der 12. August 2012

Bewerbungsvoraussetzungen für das Associate-Programm sind:
ausgeprägte Expertise im Projektthema;
nachweisbare Team- und Kommunikationsfähigkeit sowie gesellschaftspolitisches Engagement;
mindestens drei bis fünf Jahre Berufserfahrung;
Bereitschaft, sich als Mitglied einer Forschungsgruppe über einen Zeitraum von zehn Monaten in einer interdisziplinären und sektorübergreifenden Lern- und Arbeitsarchitektur aktiv einzubringen und die Bearbeitung der Fragestellung voranzutreiben;
Bereitschaft zur aktiven Teilnahme am Leadership-Trainingscurriculum sowie Interesse an der eigenen professionellen und persönlichen Weiterentwicklung;
exzellent abgeschlossene Ausbildung;
(idealerweise) Publikationserfahrung;
Interesse am stakeholderorientierten Arbeiten (Öffentlichkeit und relevante Entscheidungsträger)
verbindliche Teilnahme an: Auswahlseminar, Auftaktforum 2012 und allen vier Forschungsgruppensitzungen (Termine siehe Webseite);
Alter zum Zeitpunkt der Bewerbung in der Regel maximal 37 Jahre.

Weiterführende Informationen über die stiftung neue verantwortung und zu weiteren ausgeschriebenen Forschungsprojekten finden sich im Internet unter: www.stiftung-nv.de/Associate-Programm

Für Rückfragen steht Ihnen Frau Wera Mohns Patten unter wmp@stiftung-nv.de bzw. 030 81 45 03 7885 zur Verfügung.

| Wera M. Patten
| Projektmanagerin Fellow-/Associate-Programm
| stiftung neue verantwortung
| T +49 30 814 503 7885
| F +49 30 814 503 7897
| E wmp@stiftung-nv.de
| www.stiftung-nv.de

| Beisheim Center
| Berliner Freiheit 2
| D-10785 Berlin

WPA Scholarship for Students From Developing Countries at University of Basel, Switzerland

For 2012 WPA offers a number of scholarships granting a 50% reduction in tuition. These scholarships are dedicated for students from developing countries and crisis areas.

To be worthy of consideration for such a scholarship the applicant has to meet the academic requirements and be able to bear the costs of CHF 7,500 (2013: 9,000) for the other 50% of the tuition fees as well as the costs of living and housing (approximately CHF 15,000) during the nine months in Basel.

Applicants who have been chosen to receive one of the WPA scholarships will have two weeks to activate this scholarship by paying the rest of the tuition fee of CHF 7,500 (2013: 9,000). After the mentioned deadline the entitlement for the scholarship expires and may be passed to another applicant.

Required supporting documents:
  • Application Form - Complete with clear and full answers ;
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) - Mention your education with degrees, field, date, institution and country, as well as work experiences with function, title, short job description and date. Include volunteer work or other experiences you consider to be relevant to your application ;
  • Motivation Essay - Explain why you apply, as well as how and where you wish to apply this knowledge after completion of your studies (200 - 300 words) ;
  • Referees - Indicate the names of at least two referees with updated e-mail and telephone number, which should be both in your Application Form and your CV. NO reference letters ;
  • Diploma and Transcripts of Grades - Photocopies or scanned copies of bachelor's diploma or equivalent, and photocopies or scanned copies of transcripts with English (unofficial) translation if they are in other languages. NO originals ;
  • Photo - Preferably scan of the passport page with your photo.

Application Procedure
  1. Fill in the on-line application form.
  2. Send a copy of your electronic scholarship application with your signature together with all the other documents, preferably by e-mail as scanned copies, or else as photocopies by airmail to the following address: info@world-peace-academy.ch, or World Peace Academy, Gueterstrasse 187, CH-4053 Basel, Switzerland.
  3. You will be notified when we have received your application within one week of its arrival.
  4. You will be notified if you have been accepted or not within one month of notification of receipt (see point 3.).
  5. If you have been accepted you will receive instructions concerning the payment.
  6. Once we have received your down-payment, we will send you an official letter of admission with which you can apply for a visa if necessary.

Submission Deadline
Please contact the scholarship grant provider

Website Link

Monday, 30 July 2012

ESU is looking for a new Project Assistant!

The European Students’ Union (ESU) is looking for a proactive team player to fill the part-time position of a Project Assistant, starting 1st of September 2012 at its headquarters in Brussels, Belgium.

The Project Assistant assists in the planning and implementation of duties related to coordinating, organising, reporting and implementing ESU projects and events. The main objective of the project assistant position is to help the current ESU project officer to manage projects and follow administrative and financial regulations. The duties require analytical, evaluative and interpretive skills.


•    A degree and/or comparable experience within the areas of project management and administration
•    Knowledge and/or experience of the EU’s Lifelong learning programme (LLP) or any comparable programme
•    Experience in event management
•    A native/ near-native command of English (spoken and written). Additional knowledge of one or more European languages is highly desirable, particularly French or Dutch
•    Good communication skills – written and verbal
•    Good ICT skills (MS Office, cloud storage systems, etc.)

Deadline for application is August 12th and interviews will take place between the 20th-24th August.

Please send your CV and motivation letter to Taina@esu-online.org
For any further information contact Taina at +32.479.59.14.99

Internship at EuropaBio

EuropaBio is the political voice of the biotechnology industry in Europe, located in Brussels, Belgium. It has some 62 corporate and 7 associate members operating worldwide, 2 Bioregions and 19 national biotechnology associations, representing 1800 small and medium sized biotech companies in Europe. Its members are involved in research, development, testing, manufacturing and commercialisation of biotechnology products and processes, and have a wide range of activities: human and animal health care, diagnostics, bio-informatics, chemicals, crop protection, agriculture, food and environmental products and services.

The Stage will be located within EuropaBio’s Communications and Associations Unit and is for a six month period.
Duties will include, but are not limited to:
- Drafting and managing the distribution of the EuropaBio newsletters
- Media monitoring and database management
- Assisting with co-ordination and planning of EuropaBio events and meetings
- Drafting agendas and meeting minutes
- Website management (training will be provided)
- Assisting with communications materials and activities including EuropaBio reports, press releases videos and social media
- Help with a broad range of communications tasks supporting the work of EuropaBio’s communications department and Secretary General Candidate

- Must currently be a student. Convention de Stageor agreement with University to undertake internship as part of study strictly necessary. DO NOT APPLY UNLESS THIS APPLIES TO YOU!
- Must be an EU citizen
- Broad knowledge of social media and experience in web content management or the ability to learn quickly
- Knowledge of the workings of the EU institutions an advantage
- Excellent English- both written and spoken.
- Strong drafting and organisational skills and attention to detail
- Able to present work in clear and concise manner
- The ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines
- Good team player but also capable of working independently
  -MS Computer Skills

- A good knowledge of European Affairs and/or national legislation particularly in the areas of access to finance for SMEs, research & innovation, healthcare, agriculture and the bioeconomy,
- Second EU language

When should you be able to start?
September 2012.

Length of stage is preferably 6 months to allow the candidate build some expertise

Terms and conditions
Working hours are from 09:00 until 18:00 Monday to Friday with a one hour break for lunch. EuropaBio meets local Health and safety requirements for the intern and will insure placement students against accidents in the workplace. The intern will be entitled to six days holiday plus national bank holidays. If Belgium is not the intern’s place of study they will also be entitled to a monthly reimbursement of 500 Euros and a monthly public transport travel pass.

To apply
To apply for this internship, please send your CV and a cover letter to Rosalind Travers, Communications Manager, using THIS FORM with the subject line "Communications Intern".
Closing date for applications:July 31st 2012.
Please note we may begin the recruitment process before this date

Stage presso il mediatore europeo a Strasburgo o a Bruxelles

Il Mediatore europeo è una carica istituzionale comunitaria che consente a chi la riveste di ergersi a difensore civico della Comunità europea e agisce in completa indipendenza da ogni potere, ivi compreso il Parlamento europeo.

Il Mediatore europeo offre due volte l'anno tirocini rivolti principalmente a laureati in legge con un'eccellente padronanza della lingua inglese. I tirocini si svolgono a Strasburgo o a Bruxelles secondo le esigenze dell'ufficio.

 Le domande di tirocinio vanno pertanto presentate in lingua inglese. 
La relativa documentazione è parimenti disponibile soltanto in inglese

.I tirocini hanno generalmente una durata di quattro mesi che può essere protratta fino ad un massimo di 11 mesi. Ai tirocinanti viene richiesto di svolgere indagini sulle denunce presentate, portare avanti ricerche pertinenti il lavoro del Mediatore

• la cittadinanza europea,
• un diploma di laurea in giurisprudenza, la conoscenza approfondita di una lingua ufficiale dell'UE e la buona conoscenza di una seconda. E' richiesta inoltre la conoscenza del francese e dell'inglese, le lingue di lavoro dell'Ufficio del Mediatore Europeo.
• Il contributo finanziario per i tirocinanti che già ricevono un sostegno esterno verrà determinato su base individuale.

Borse di studio  di tre mesi sono disponibili per i tirocinanti che non hanno a disposizione altri mezzi di sostegno economico. Il valore della Borsa di studio sarà equivalente al 25% del salario base di un funzionario di grado

31 Agosto per i tirocini che hanno inizio il 1° Gennaio. 

Per maggiori informazioni e per candidarsi consultare il sito: http://www.ombudsman.europa.eu

Internship - Siemens and IBM - Italy

Siemens e Ibm offrono svariati posti di lavoro e offerte di stage, settore Information Technology, principalmente nelle loro sedi italiane, tra Roma, Milano, Torino, Padova, Firenze e relative province.
A seocnda della ricerca, i profili devono avere esperienza e conoscenza dell'inglese.
Di seguito alcune offerte, altre possono essere visualizzate sui siti rispettivi delle aziende.

Manager – Profili senior – Stagisti
Siemens cerca 29 profili che rientrano in queste tre macrocategorie.

-I manager dovranno avere tutti un’esperienza pluriennale – in alcuni casi superiore ai 10 anni – ed avranno responsabilità nei settori Industry, Sales e Human Resources.
Le sedi di lavoro sono: Marnate (Varese), Cairo Montenotte (Savona), Milano

- I profili senior spaziano dal Tecnologo per macchine utensili al Compensation and Benefits Expert, al Proposal Sales for Metallurgical Services, al Senior Site Supervior, al Project Controller, all’Application Engineer. I settori in cui opereranno l’Industry, il Legal and Compliance, il Finance e l’Industry.
Sedi di lavoro: Marnate, Milano, Padova e Firenze.

- Gli stagisti, tutti laureati, verranno “impiegati” nei settori: Sales, Manufacturing, Strategy, Corporate Units, Finance, Industry.
Le sedi di lavoro sono: Milano, Trento e Torino.

Per esaminare le offerte e candidarti consultare il sito della SIEMENS

Sap Consultant - Storage Solution Architects – Stagisti

- Per il profilo Sap Consultant i requisiti richiesti sono:
- laurea in Matematica, Informatica, Economia o Ingegneria Elettronica,
- un’esperienza tra 1 e 3 anni
- un’ottima conoscenza della lingua inglese e delle leggi che regolano il settore “Gas ed energia”.
La sede di lavoro è Milano.

- Il profilo Storage Solution Architects – non è prevista una sede di lavoro specifica – dovrà avere almeno 2 anni di esperienza in “designing complex storage solutions”, almeno 6 mesi di esperienza in “architectural methods”, almeno 5 anni di esperienza in storage hardware, almeno 2 anni di esperienza in “storage tiering, data-de-duplication, encryption, backup and recovery”, almeno 2 anni di esperienza in “current storage practices and activity relating to virtualization” e buona conoscenza dell’inglese.

- Gli stagisti infine supporteranno " il Tutor aziendale nelle attivita' di consulenza ai clienti nei diversi settori di mercato: banche, industria, comunicazioni, settore pubblico, distribuzione e piccole e medie imprese”.
I requisiti richiesti sono:
- laurea in Ingegneria, Informatica, Economia, Fisica e Matematica.
Le sedi di lavoro: Roma e Milano.

Per esaminare le offerte e candidarti consultare il sito dell'IBM

Netherlands Fellowship Program for Short Courses

Deadline: 02 October 2012
Open to:
students from developing countries
allowance for living expenses


Nuffic, through the Netherlands Fellowship Programme, provide scholarships for short courses in Netherlands for international students.  NFP fellowships can be used for a number of selected courses and are offered by education institutions in the Netherlands. The institutions provide professional training at post- secondary level in several fields of study. The courses lead to a Dutch certificate or a diploma and their duration varies from two weeks to twelve months.
The complete list of short courses that are supported by the fellowships can be found at NFP brochure including the course list (PDF, 1.5 MB). Please note that this is a provisional list and that information is subject to change. Please regularly check the Nuffic website for the latest information.
Special Announcement: One can apply for NFP fellowships for 4 training courses offered at the The Hague Academy:


Students from 61 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.  Half of the available fellowships should be awarded to female candidates and the other half should be spent on candidates from sub-Saharan Africa. Apart from this, priority is given to candidates from priority groups and/or from marginalized regions to be defined by the embassies.
A candidate applying for an NFP fellowship for a short course must:
•   be a mid-career professional with at least three years’ relevant work experience;
•   be a national of, and working and living in one of the developing countries on the NFP country list valid at the time of application (see annex 4);
•   be nominated by their employer, who pledges to continue paying their salary and guarantees that they will be able to return to the same or an equivalent position at the end of the fellowship period;
•   have been unconditionally admitted by a Dutch institution to one of the short courses on the course list 2012-2013. This means that candidates must meet all the requirements set by the Dutch institution;
•   not have received more than one NFP short course fellowships;
•   not have received an NFP short course fellowship in the year prior to the fellowship application;
•  not be employed by:  a multinational corporation (for instance Shell, Unilever etc.); a large national and/-or commercial organisation; a bilateral donor organisation (for instance USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid etc.); multilateral donor organisation, (for instance a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB, etc.); or an international NGO’s (for instance Oxfam, Plan, Care, etc.).
•   have completed and submitted an NFP short course fellowship application including all the
required documentation before the applicable NFP fellowship application deadline;
•  be employed in an area to which the study will make a relevant contribution;
•   have a clear-cut, functional relationship with a relevant organisation and be in a position to introduce the newly acquired skills and knowledge into that organisation;
•   be available for the entire period of the course and be physically and mentally able to take part in the entire course;
•   endorse the objective and the aim of the NFP. The aim of the NFP cannot be reached if the fellowship holder does not return to his or her own country. Nuffic would like to urge fellowship holders to return to their home country upon finishing the course or programme to meet the NFP aim in the most effective way.


The NFP allowance is considered to be a contribution towards the cost of living for the fellowship holder. A fellowship holder can therefore be faced with additional expenses (for instance extra costs for housing). Fellowship holders are adviced to check with the dutch institution if this can be the case for them. The allowances are not sufficient to support family members, either in the home country or in the Netherlands.


To be eligible for an NFP fellowship, candidates need to be admitted to the short course for which they would like an NFP fellowship. Candidates first apply for admission directly to the Dutch institution that offers the short course of their choice.  The Dutch institution assesses the application and decides whether or not to admit the candidate to the short course. Nuffic has no part in the academic admission process.
A candidate applying for an NFP fellowship must have been unconditionally admitted to a Dutch institution for the course or programme for which the candidate applies for an NFP fellowship. This means that the candidate must have met all the academic and administrative requirements set by the Dutch institution.
The deadline for academic applications is earlier, about 1-2 months earlier than the fellowship applications deadline.   Candidates are strongly advised to apply as early as possible for admission to a Dutch institution to allow these institutions enough time to process all the applications for admission in time.
For 2012-2013, the deadline for fellowship applications is 7 Februrary or 1 May or 2 October in 2012 depending on the course (see the NFP course list for 2012-2013 to know the specific deadline for your chosen course).  The deadlines  for  paper  fellowship applications are always  one month  before the online application deadline.  The paper fellowship application deadlines  are: 1 January  2012, 1 April  2012 and 1 September  2012.
Applications have to be submitted through Scholarships Online (SOL). Through SOL candidates can apply for fellowships online and they can check the status of an application. Other parties such as the Dutch institutions, the embassies and consulates will use SOL to add information about an NFP fellowship application. The embassies and consulates will also use SOL to assess NFP fellowship applications.

Quota Scholarships in Norway for Developing Countries

Brief description:
The Norwegian government provides scholarships for students from developing countries in the South and countries of Central- and East-Europe and Central-Asia under the Quota Scheme.
The goal of the Quota Scheme is to promote the internationalization of higher education and give developing country students relevant education that would also benefit their home countries when they return after graduation.
Each year universities and university colleges in Norway are allocated a certain number of quota students. The scheme normally includes courses at the Master and Ph.D. level, in addition to certain professional degrees.
Host Institution(s):
Selected state colleges, universities, and institutions in Norway.  View websites of College and Universities offering the Quota Scheme (PDF).
Field(s) of study:
Any eligible academic program offered by selected colleges, universities, and institutions in Norway.  Please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions.
Target group:
The Quota Scheme is for certain developing countries that are on the DAC-list issued by OECD, and is eligible for students from the category of “lower middle-income countries” and under. Also, the scheme accepts students from Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia, and Palestinian students from the Palestinian Authorities.
See the complete list of eligible countries.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
Each student receives the same amount of money as a Norwegian student would do in an equivalent educational programme. About 30 per cent of the amount is given as a grant and 70 per cent as a loan. However, the loan portion is waived when the student returns to his/her home country after completing the course of study. Normally, the financial support will not not exceed a time span of four years for one definite study plan, or a combination of two programmes.
Travelling expenses for entry into Norway can be reimbursed (fixed price). Students can apply for one annual home visit if the educational programme lasts more than one year, as well as financial support for travelling expenses for field work during the course of study. When the student returns home within 3 months after finishing the course, the cost of travelling home is covered by the Norwegian State Educational Loan Fund.
Please view this page for the complete eligibility requirements.
The Norwegian universities and university colleges participating in the Quota Scheme have an English version of their website, where applicants can find more detailed information about the admission requirements for each course offered.
Application instructions:
The Quota Scheme as a rule only enrolls students from institutions which have collaboration agreements with Norwegian universities or university colleges. Norwegian institutions usually do not admit free movers (individual applicants) to this scheme. Only in very special cases can free movers be considered.  To find out which institutions collaborate with Norwegian institutions, please refer to the websites of the Norwegian institutions.
The deadline for applying for the Quota scheme is usually 1 December every year. Some courses and educational programmes may have other deadlines than the this. Please contact the International Office at the university/college to which you want to apply for detailed information. The Letter of Admission is normally sent to the successful candidate by 15 April every year.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.  Please see the websites of each institution for detailed information about available courses, admission requirements and application procedures.  Applications forms are available from the websites of the universities and university colleges. All applications should be sent directly to the International Office at the university/college to which the student applies.
Contact information:
Please note that SIU cannot offer individual guidance to prospective students regarding choice of institution or course, or information about course contents. All inquiries should be directed to the International Office at the institution in question. Applications should be sent directly to the institutions and SIU is not responsible for received applications.

3 Apps Every Study Abroad Student Should Download

Choosing to enroll in a study abroad program is one of the most intelligent things an undergraduate can do—not only can it open your eyes to an entire new world, but it can also help make you become a more independent and adventurous person. Not to mention you simultaneously get to earn college credit while exploring a new exotic location. And while you may think that you can simply just travel more once you get a full time job, an opportunity to spend several months in an exotic location may not come again. That said, if you're departing to study abroad soon, congratulations. However, for those traveling to non-English speaking countries, you might want to make sure that you are equipped with the proper tools to help you in your travels. That said, to learn the most important apps you should download on your smart phone, continue reading below.

Even if you've studied a particular language for several semesters, there may be a few words that just stump you every time you try to say it out loud. Instead of feeling embarrassed because you don't know how to say it properly, use iPronunciation to help you out.  What makes this app so special is that it uses the power of two of the biggest search engines—Google and Bing—to help translate more than 50 languages. Of course it shows you the phonetic pronunciation when scrolling as well as lets you physically type in the word you need to know how to say. While the app is free to use and download, unfortunately it is only available for iPhone users. However a good alternative is BUSUU. 

Word Lens
This innovative app is like using a travel size dictionary on steroids. What it does it allow users to take photos of words or phrases they don't know how to translate into English and the app will automatically do it for them. That means if you get lost and can't read a street sign, all you need to do it take a photo of it. If you don't know what you're ordering off a menu, you can take a picture of that too. We're not sure what algorithms we're used to create this nifty app, but it works wonder. Unfortunately, it can only translate Spanish, Italian, and French for now. The app is free to use and is available to both iPhone and Android system users. 

Mobile City Maps
Last but certainly not least is Mobile City Maps—this handy dandy app downloads all of the most updated city maps you need to help navigate you through your foreign city—especially useful if you can't really understand a local's directions to get back to campus. The app even goes as far as leaving pins so you exactly where you came across the best lasagna you had in your entire life when you got lost. The best part?  It doesn't need data to load the maps or show you all of its features which means you don't risk acquiring any roaming charges or outrageous data fees when using your cell phone in a different country. 
Article from: http://applytostudy.blogspot.com/2012/07/3-apps-every-study-abroad-student.html

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Internships at APCO

Intern Public Affairs Full-time at APCO Worldwide in London, UK
APCO Worldwide is a global award winning public affairs and strategic communications consultancy. APCO helps clients anticipate what’s next and smartly manage reputational, communication and business opportunities and challenges that affect their organizations, products, services or brands.
Our diverse and hands-on global team of more than 550 experts comes from the environments clients need to reach- we are former elected leaders, journalists, ambassadors, government officials and business executives.
We currently offer a paid internship for at least three months starting as soon as possible.

•Drafting, editing and refining written documents for clients
•Drafting reports
•Conducting industry and/or client research
•Conducting audits and mappings •Support the research team in daily operations
•Monitoring media, institutional calendar, regulation & legislation updates
•Support to client work and new business opportunities

•Degree and/or post-graduate degree in European studies, politics, or media/communication
•Relevant work experience, for instance stage in UK Institutions or in a public relations/communication environment (corporate communication, media relations) •Keen interest in public affairs, politics and communication
•Good team player, research and organizational skills a definite must, keen to learn, proactive attitude
•Computer skills: MS Word, Outlook, PowerPoint and Excel •Social Media and Blogs
•Other EU languages desirable
•Eligible to work in the EU

If you would like to apply, please go on our careers’ site.

PhD Scholarship in Public Economics, Italy

Deadline: 10 September, 2012
Open to
: All students with a Master Degree
: The Scholarship amounts 1000 euro/month and can be taken in Milano


The Graduate School in Public Economics pools the resources of two of the most prestigious Italian universities, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore and Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, to offer an outstanding study and research programme in the field of public economics and public sector economics. The founding universities have a long and consolidated tradition of post-graduate teaching and research in economics and business studies, and have strong links with both Italian and international public
The Phd in Public Economics at Defap Graduate School is a three-year full-time doctoral program, jointly promoted by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milano) and Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca and partly co-financed by Fondazione Cariplo.
The program is taught in English and offers rigorous advanced training and supervision. The Faculty of the School includes teaching staff from the two founding institutions and several other national and international universities. The School has exchange programs in place with other European research institutions and academic departments, and routinely organizes joint research seminars, lectures and workshops.
The PhD program is now in its ninth year of activity, it is widely recognized as one of the best Italian PhD programs in Economics, and it has built a very promising track record in placing its graduates in research departments both in universities and in public and private research departments. The duration of the program is three years.


All students with a Master Degree are eligible to apply for this program in Milan, Italy. Those who during the time of applying are still working on their Degree, will need to provide a proof of enrollment on a second-level degree program or equivalent.


Candidates can apply filling the application form and sending it together with the documents listed below, all in pdf format, to defap@unicatt.it by September 10th 2012:
  1. CV;
  2. Graduates: second-level degree certificate with transcripts;
  3. For students still working towards their degree: proof of enrollment on a second-level degree program or equivalent, as listed previously, together with transcripts;
  4. Certification of any other qualifications awarded in Italy or abroad, together with transcripts, e.g.MAs and graduate courses, or any other certification which can be used to assess the application, together with transcripts and a separate page listing the qualifications;
  5. A copy of any publications considered useful for the purpose of comparative assessment together with a separate sheet listing them;
  6. At least two letters of recommendation from university professors. These letters should be sent directly by the professors to the Graduate School before the competition deadline, via email to defap@unicatt.it;
  7. One of the following English language certificates FCE; CAE;CPE ;BEC; British Chamber of Commerce; Trinity College; TOEFL; IELTS.
  8. Results of any GMAT exam or GRE test taken no earlier than 1 January 2010; (these documents are not compulsory but can increase likelihood of a successful application.
For any questions which might concern you, do not hesitate and see the contact list.
The official website

Communications and Outreach Consultant Full-time at UNRISD in Geneva, Switzerland

UNRISD is now accepting applications for a Communications and Outreach Consultant to work full-time at the Institute’s offices in Geneva.
Under the supervision of the Head of the Communications and Outreach Unit, and in close collaboration with research and communications colleagues, the consultant will support the research teams in communicating their research and activities to a range of audiences, including donors, policy makers (at international and national levels), civil society groups and academia.
The successful candidate will combine a solid understanding of international development issues with excellent interpersonal and communication skills and a passion for promoting social development research to a range of audience groups.

Specific duties
 The consultant will work collaboratively with colleagues in the research teams and C+O Unit on project-level communications, activities related to the Institute’s 50th anniversary, and the UNRISD seminar series. Roles and responsibilities include planning, writing, editing, designing, producing and disseminating digital and print outputs; and organizing outreach events.
1. Work collaboratively with research teams to develop and implement outreach and communication plans for research projects, programmes and activities, including the following: Provide expert advice and support on the communication sections of funding proposals. Write, edit, design and produce appropriate communication tools and outreach products in order to increase the use and influence of UNRISD research among identified audience groups. Outputs may include briefs; web pages and updates; digital media products; social media posts; online discussions; interviews; news, feature articles and OpEd pieces, etc. Ensure that programme/project communications plans and the Institute’s communications strategy positively promote UNRISD’s image, values and identity. Scan the “social development horizon” to identify strategic partners and points of entry for research and knowledge from UNRISD projects. Monitor and solicit feedback on the effectiveness of communications products, channels and messages among key audience groups; track and report on potential impacts and results, and suggest adjustments as necessary.
2. Assist with the development and implementation of a range of outputs and activities in the context of UNRISD’s 50th Anniversary Project, including the following. UNRISD timeline/retrospective: carry out background research, identify and source appropriate inputs, and summarize and write content in engaging, appropriate language. 50th Anniversary events and dialogues: assist with the organization, logistics and publicity; write up and produce a brief following each activity; and contribute to the production of other communications assets (podcast or video). Write and produce highly relevant policy briefs that position UNRISD research in relation to the debates and processes shaping the post-2015 development agenda. Write a synthesis report following the 50th Anniversary conference, planned for autumn 2013.
3. Coordinate and further develop the UNRISD Seminar Series, including identifying and liaising with speakers, organizing logistics, creating publicity (including traditional and social media interest), and producing communications assets (podcast or video).
4. Provide support with other duties of the C+O Unit, including producing the eBulletin, and working with interns to support their learning objectives by involving them in the planning, development, implementation and monitoring of communication products and activities.

Requirements and qualifications
- Excellent overall communication skills, especially writing and editing, and attention to detail.
- Proven ability to summarize complex ideas and analysis in clear, message-oriented, accessible language.
- Excellent understanding of international development issues.
- Project management experience, including strategic planning and the ability to turn plans into practical action and to establish priorities among simultaneous tasks.
- Excellent interpersonal skills, including the ability to liaise and communicate with research and other staff, at all levels of seniority.
- Education to MA level in development studies, social sciences, communications, journalism or similar, and at least two years of directly relevant experience.
- Fluent written and spoken English. Good basic design sense for both print and digital media.

Desirable attributes
- Knowledge of current thinking and practice in development research communications, including both traditional and digital media. Knowledge of the development sector, networks and organizations (including the UN).
- Working knowledge of French or Spanish (or another UN language).
- Experience working in a comparable post, bridging research and communications, in a development agency or research institute.
- Experience working in international environments and of working with international networks.
- Knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite or interest in learning on the job.

Terms and conditions
This is a full-time appointment located at the Institute’s offices at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.
Remuneration: CHF 4,200 to CHF 5,000 per month, depending on qualifications and directly relevant experience.
Duration: up to a maximum of two years (subject to availability of funding), including initial trial period of six months.
Starting date: 1 October 2012.
UNRISD is not responsible for medical insurance, which is mandatory for the period of assignment.
UNRISD will cover one return ticket at least costly fare.

Application process
Applicants are advised to become familiar with the work of UNRISD as well as the 2010-2014 Research Agenda (available at www.unrisd.org) before applying for this position. If you are interested in the work elaborated above and fulfil the required qualifications, please apply online 
Please use the “Motivation” section for your cover letter, and the “Written Statement” section for a short text (maximum 500 words) on an issue of relevance to the post-2015 development agenda. Shortlisted applicants will be asked to carry out a written assignment before being notified if they have been selected for interview. We regret that due to limited staff resources only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

15 August 2012 (Midnight, Central European Time).

Netherlands Fellowship Program for Short Courses

Brief description:
Nuffic, through the Netherlands Fellowship Programme, provide scholarships for short courses in Netherlands for international students.  NFP fellowships can be used for a number of selected courses and are offered by education institutions in the Netherlands. The institutions provide professional training at post- secondary level in several fields of study. The courses lead to a Dutch certificate or a diploma and their duration varies from two weeks to twelve months.
Host Institution(s):
Dutch Universities and Institutions
Field(s) of study:
The complete list of short courses that are supported by the fellowships can be found at NFP brochure including the course list (PDF, 1.5 MB). Please note that this is a provisional list and that information is subject to change. Please regularly check the Nuffic website for the latest information.
Special Announcement: One can apply for NFP fellowships for 4 training courses offered at the The Hague Academy:
Target group:
Students from 61 developing countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe.  Half of the available fellowships should be awarded to female candidates and the other half should be spent on candidates from sub-Saharan Africa. Apart from this, priority is given to candidates from priority groups and/or from marginalized regions to be defined by the embassies.
Scholarship value/inclusions:
The NFP allowance is considered to be a contribution towards the cost of living for the fellowship holder. A fellowship holder can therefore be faced with additional expenses (for instance extra costs for housing). Fellowship holders are adviced to check with the dutch institution if this can be the case for them. The allowances are not sufficient to support family members, either in the home country or in the Netherlands.
A candidate applying for an NFP fellowship for a short course must:
•   be a mid-career professional with at least three years’ relevant work experience;
•   be a national of, and working and living in one of the developing countries on the NFP country list valid at the time of application (see annex 4);
•   be nominated by their employer, who pledges to continue paying their salary and guarantees that they will be able to return to the same or an equivalent position at the end of the fellowship period;
•   have been unconditionally admitted by a Dutch institution to one of the short courses on the course list 2012-2013. This means that candidates must meet all the requirements set by the Dutch institution;
•   not have received more than one NFP short course fellowships;
•   not have received an NFP short course fellowship in the year prior to the fellowship application;
•  not be employed by:  a multinational corporation (for instance Shell, Unilever etc.); a large national and/-or commercial organisation; a bilateral donor organisation (for instance USAID, DFID, Danida, Sida, FinAid, AusAid, ADC, SwissAid etc.); multilateral donor organisation, (for instance a UN organisation, the World Bank, the IMF, Asian Development Bank, African Development Bank, IADB, etc.); or an international NGO’s (for instance Oxfam, Plan, Care, etc.).
•   have completed and submitted an NFP short course fellowship application including all the
required documentation before the applicable NFP fellowship application deadline;
•  be employed in an area to which the study will make a relevant contribution;
•   have a clear-cut, functional relationship with a relevant organisation and be in a position to introduce the newly acquired skills and knowledge into that organisation;
•   be available for the entire period of the course and be physically and mentally able to take part in the entire course;
•   endorse the objective and the aim of the NFP. The aim of the NFP cannot be reached if the fellowship holder does not return to his or her own country. Nuffic would like to urge fellowship holders to return to their home country upon finishing the course or programme to meet the NFP aim in the most effective way.
Application instructions:
To be eligible for an NFP fellowship, candidates need to be admitted to the short course for which they would like an NFP fellowship. Candidates first apply for admission directly to the Dutch institution that offers the short course of their choice.  The Dutch institution assesses the application and decides whether or not to admit the candidate to the short course. Nuffic has no part in the academic admission process.
A candidate applying for an NFP fellowship must have been unconditionally admitted to a Dutch institution for the course or programme for which the candidate applies for an NFP fellowship. This means that the candidate must have met all the academic and administrative requirements set by the Dutch institution.
The deadline for academic applications is earlier, about 1-2 months earlier than the fellowship applications deadline.   Candidates are strongly advised to apply as early as possible for admission to a Dutch institution to allow these institutions enough time to process all the applications for admission in time.
For 2012-2013, the deadline for fellowship applications is 7 Februrary or 1 May or 2 October in 2012 depending on the course (see the NFP course list for 2012-2013 to know the specific deadline for your chosen course).  The deadlines  for  paper  fellowship applications are always  one month  before the online application deadline.  The paper fellowship application deadlines  are: 1 January  2012, 1 April  2012 and 1 September  2012.
Applications have to be submitted through Scholarships Online (SOL). Through SOL candidates can apply for fellowships online
and they can check the status of an application. Other parties such as the Dutch institutions, the embassies and consulates will use SOL to add information about an NFP fellowship application. The embassies and consulates will also use SOL to assess NFP
fellowship applications.
It is important to visit the official website (link found below) for detailed information on how to apply for this scholarship.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Policy and Communications Intern

AEGPL is the sole representative of the LPG industry at European level, representing over 24 national LPG Associations as well as distributors and equipment manufacturers from across Europe. Our mission is to engage with EU decision-makers and the wider policy community in order to optimise the contribution that LPG - as a clean and immediately available energy source - can make to meeting Europe's energy and environmental challenges.

Policy and Communications Intern

Main Purpose:
 To support the policy and communications activities of the Association.

6 months - 1 year (based in the Brussels EU district)

Ideally late August 2012

Main Duties/Tasks
- Daily monitoring of EU and international institutions’ websites, and international pres Research and support on energy/environment policy initiatives
-Stakeholder mapping
-Attendance and note-taking at relevant stakeholder meetings
-Support to event and meeting organization
-Research and drafting of internal and external policy and communications documents
-Assistance with various communications activities

-Very good knowledge of English and preferably at least one other European language
-A good understanding of the functioning of the European Union. Previous experience in the field of energy policy would be an advantage
-Good writing skills – English especially
-Strong interest in European public affairs/communications
-Very good interpersonal and communication skills
-Social media savvy – uses blogs, twitter and others
-Excellent knowledge of Microsoft Office
-Degree in European Public Policy, European studies, political science or closely related field EU citizen – or have the right to work in the EU.

We offer
-The opportunity to gain experience in the Brussels policy sphere
-Experience working in the energy sector
A monthly salary

If you are interested in applying, please send a CV and covering letter using THIS FORM

27 July 2012