Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Vacancies At The European Stu­dent Think Tank

The European Stu­dent Think Tank is estab­lish­ing a vast com­munity of stu­dents who are con­trib­ut­ing to a more elab­or­ate insight into the European Union.  The EST Net­work will con­sist of all those con­trib­ut­ing to the con­tent of their web­site, policy pro­pos­als, events and future projects.
They are working on facil­it­at­ing an online net­work for their members; reg­u­lar con­trib­ut­ors will receive a ‘pro­file page’ on which their fields of know­ledge, exper­i­ence and interests are pub­lished. Mem­bers of the EST Net­work will be able to look into each other’s inform­a­tion in order to find pre­vi­ous pro­jects of an author they find inter­est­ing or to work together on a piece.
The EST Net­work will become a vital part of the Think Tank as it is mov­ing to more advanced pro­jects of cre­at­ing policy ideas. In each step of the Think Tank’s pro­gress inter­dis­cip­lin­ary cooperation between stu­dents will be neces­sary. The Net­work func­tion of the web­site will help to mod­er­ate this process.
EST is currently expanding the EDITORIAL TEAM with
  • Freelance Bloggers (text, audio, video): have your say on EU politics
  • Editors: gain editorial skills
  • Graphic designer: make it simple – a graphic says more than 1000 words
  • Networker: build a network of EU politicians and experts around EST and you

About the positions and how to apply

Freelance bloggers (text, audio, video)

Do you shake your head about the latest decision in EU polit­ics? Are you itch­ing to tell the part of a story that was not told so far? Do you want to make a valu­able con­tri­bu­tion to our web­site but do you lack the time to write blogs reg­u­larly? EST offers you the pos­sib­il­ity to hand in art­icles on a freel­ance basis.
You have a lot of free­dom to organ­ize the con­tent of your writ­ing, audio or video file, as long as your topic relates to EU-policy.
How to get star­ted – just as easy as this:
Con­tact the Editor in Chief  bettina@studentthinktank.eu, tell about your topic and shortly out­line your idea and choice of medium. If your topic is of interest, you will be sent guid­lines – and you can become journ­al­ist­ic­ally act­ive. Please also attach your CV, telling about your aca­demic back­ground and pre­vi­ous rel­ev­ant experiences.

EST Editor – Graphic Designer

Are you a European stu­dent, inter­ested in European news and policy-making and would you like to journ­al­ist­ic­ally con­trib­ute to a young youth organ­iz­a­tion? Do you enjoy play­ing around with the numer­ous pos­sib­il­it­ies of graph­ical design?
The European Stu­dent Think Tank (EST) is look­ing for EDITORS with the spe­cial task of GRAPHIC DESIGNER. EST gives stu­dents a plat­form to engage in the polit­ical and policy-making pro­cess of the European Union.The edit­or­ial team focuses on the EST blog.
The job pos­i­tion of editor involves:
  • Edit­ing art­icles (in style, gram­mar, spelling, but also con­tent) and later on other journ­al­istic products (also audio and video)
  • Giv­ing feed­back to the authors
  • Con­trib­ut­ing to an idea pool for top­ics to feature
Are you addi­tion­ally inter­ested in making the EST graph­ical ideas become real­ity? Each editor pos­i­tion has a dif­fer­ent spe­cial task attached to it. The spe­cial­ism of graphic designer involves work­ing on the graph­ical part of our journ­al­istic products with which the EST blog will be expanded.
Expectations from the applicant:
  • Good work­ing know­ledge of English
  • Interest in (EU) polit­ical topics
  • Know­ledge and exper­i­ence in graphic design
  • Reli­ab­il­ity and able to man­age work­ing with deadlines
Is that you? Then send a short (!) applic­a­tion let­ter and CV telling about your study back­ground, exper­i­ences (not only but of course with emphasis on graphic design) and motiv­a­tion to Editor in Chief Bettina@studentthinktank.eu Applications are accepted on an ongo­ing basis. If you have any ques­tions or com­ments please do not hes­it­ate to contact the person under the above named mail address.

EST Editors – Networker/ Contactor

The European Stu­dent Think Tank (EST) is look­ing for EDITORS with the spe­cial task of NETWORKER/ CONTACTOR.
The job pos­i­tion of editor involves:
  • Edit­ing art­icles (in style, gram­mar, spelling, but also con­tent) and later on other journ­al­istic products (also audio and video)
  • Giv­ing feed­back to the authors
  • Con­trib­ut­ing to an idea pool for top­ics to feature
Are you addi­tion­ally inter­ested in get­ting in con­tact with European politi­cians? Each editor pos­i­tion has a dif­fer­ent spe­cial task attached to it. The spe­cial­ism of networker/ inter­viewer involves get­ting in con­tact with European politi­cians for inter­views, expert opin­ions etc. for the web­site. Do you have fur­ther ideas? Your con­tri­bu­tion is welcome!
Expectations form the applicant:
  • Good work­ing know­ledge of English
  • Know­ledge in (EU) polit­ical topics
  • Reli­ab­il­ity and able to man­age work­ing with deadlines
  • Con­tacts to European politicians/experts or the abil­ity to eas­ily get into con­tact with people is an asset
Is that you? Then send a short (!) applic­a­tion let­ter and CV telling about your study back­ground, exper­i­ences and motiv­a­tion to Editor in Chief Bettina@studentthinktank.eu Applications are accepted on ongoing basis.  If you have any ques­tions or com­ments please do not hes­it­ate to contact the person under the above named mail address.

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