Monday, 17 October 2016

CFSP Scholarships for Developing Countries of La Francophonie in Canada, 2017

The Government of Canada is offering Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program (CFSP) which is open to nationals from developing countries of La Francophonie. These scholarships are granted for a university education 2nd cycle (Master) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate) and technical and vocational training.
The Canadian Francophonie Scholarship Program is a scholarship program designed to build institutional capacities by training nationals of 37 countries in the Francophonie member development and recipients of official development assistance from Canada.
The program is entirely funded by the Government of Canada, which has entrusted the management of the program to the consortium Canadian Bureau for International Education / World University Service of Canada since January 1st, 2015.
Applicants for all levels of study must be fluent in the French Language; both written and spoken.
Course Level: Scholarships are granted for a university education 2nd cycle (Master) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate) and technical and vocational training.
Study Subject:
Scholarship Award: As part of the CFSP, scholarships in Canada are granted for a university education 2nd cycle (Master) and 3rd cycle (Doctorate) and technical and vocational training. They are awarded for one academic year, but are renewed annually for a period corresponding to the normal duration of the studies specific to each stock exchange and if the academic results are satisfactory. They are 2, 3 and 4 years at the university level and two years at technical and vocational level. Also, short-term internship scholarships are awarded based on the criteria and standards specific to each area of expertise, for a period not exceeding 12 months. The post-doc fellowships are also eligible and shall not exceed 12 months.
Scholarship can be taken in Canada
Institutions targeted by recipient countries conduct internal recruitment campaigns to identify qualified candidates who show the greatest aptitude for helping strengthen their institution’s capacities when they return to their country.
Candidates identified and selected may apply for university studies leading to a master’s and doctoral degree, for technical and vocational training, or for short-term internships.
Clinical training in pharmacy, medicine and dentistry is excluded.
Mastery of spoken and written French: as studies need to be done continuously, in French in a francophone institution in Canada, fluency in French is a requirement essential for admission. Nationals of the following countries: Cambodia, Cape Verde, Dominica, Egypt, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Laos, Lebanon, Mauritania, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, St Lucia, Seychelles, Vanuatu and Vietnam must demonstrate the DELF B2 success with a minimum of 15 out of 25 in each of the four components of March 15, 2017: the TFI will also be accepted;
Sufficient knowledge of English to read and synthesize documents in English, in their field of study;
Mastery of basic computer tools: WORD, Excel, and Internet research. A skills test will be administered to verify the level of skills [1] .
The gender equality issues: The CFSP has set a target annual distribution of the number of scholarships for women and men 50%. This distribution is part of the selection criteria of the stock / boursiers.Une both completed studies, institutions of recipient countries ensure the reintegration of women in their post or in a higher position where they are leveraging the knowledge and skills acquired Canada. The CFSP thus promotes an increased presence of women in institutions of beneficiary countries in positions of influence within their institutions.
Nationality: Nationals from developing countries of La Francophonie are eligible to apply.
List of Countries: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Comoros, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Ivory Coast, Djibouti, Dominica, Egypt, Gabon, Guinea, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau,  Haiti, Laos, Lebanon, Madagascar,  Mali, Morocco,Mauritius, Mauritania, Niger, Central African Republic, Rwanda, St. LUCIA, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Chad, Togo, Tunisia , Vanuatu and Vietnam
How to Apply: Applicants must support video capsule to complete the online nomination process
Application Deadline: The application deadline is 18th November 2016.

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